Do you think that these are the best solution for your problem?

Yoga Poses To Firm Your Butt

Yoga not only helps you to balance your body and mind, but it also helps you to stretch and strengthen your muscles. If you want to tone your butt muscles, here are some of the poses that you should engage in:
Traditional squat
Here you need to put your feet hip width apart and then sit down as if you are sitting in a chair. You should then put your hands on your hips and then lean back. For ideal results you should lean back until your can't take it anymore. Once you reach your maximum position you should inhale and come back up.
Crescent lunge
Here you need to step back with the right foot and then bend the left knee. You should then lower down so that the left thigh is parallel to the floor. You should hold in this position for some time and then change your legs so that the right foot is forward and bent.
You should then hold in position for some time and then release the pose when you feel tension building. For ideal results you should do at least five repetitions of this pose.
Balancing table
This works the gluteal, back and abdominal muscles. You should start on your hands and knees and then lift your right arm straight out in front of you and the left leg straight behind you. You should then pull your belly in towards your spine and inhale as you lift your arm and leg higher.
At this position you should hold for a few breaths and then exhale as you place your hand and knee back on the floor. For ideal results you should repeat the other side by lifting your right leg and left arm.
High lunge variation
This pose not only tones your gluteal muscles, but it also tones your hamstrings and quadriceps. You should start from the downward facing dog and then step your right foot between your hands and rise into a lunge. Here you should ensure that your back leg is straight and your front knee is bent.
You should also ensure that your shin is perpendicular to the floor. At this position you should stretch your arms over your head and keep your belly pulled in and up. You should then take several breaths and return your hands to the floor then switch legs and repeat with your left leg forward and right leg back.
These are some of the best poses that you can engage in to firm your butt. For ideal results, it's recommended that you practice in a yoga studio.
We provide the best content on affordable yoga teacher training and yoga ttc india. For further details please visit the provided links.

Yoga Poses To Firm A Sagging Chin And Neck

Do you know that you can firm up your sagging skin under your chin and neck using yoga? Here are some of the most beneficial poses.
Seated forward bend
Here you need to sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of your body and then stretch your arms above your head. You should then lean forward over your legs and hug your knees. For ideal results you should hold in this position until you feel tension building.
Bow pose
This pose stretches the front of your body from the neck to the ankles. To assume the pose you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and then bend your knees and move your feet towards your buttocks.
You should then reach down with your arms and grasp your ankles. At this position you should gently raise your upper body and your thighs off the floor while at the same time grasp your ankles. Again you should hold in this position until tension starts to build.
Fish pose
The fish pose stretches the muscles on all sides of the neck. To assume the pose you need to roll over onto your back while keeping your legs straight.
You should then tuck your hands under your buttocks with your palms facing down. With your forearms on the floor, you should lift your lower back, middle back, and your shoulders.
For ideal results you should ensure that your buttocks and lower body are stationary. You should hold in this position until tension starts to build.
Cat pose
By doing this pose you easily stretch your neck and back muscles. Yoga experts say that this is the best exercise for toning the neck. You start the pose by placing your hands on the floor and kneel.
When you do this the body should form a table with your knees directly under your hips. With your arms straight and your palms flat on the ground, you should look directly on the floor. You should hold in this position for up to 5 seconds.
Cobra pose
This move focuses on the chest and neck muscles. You start the pose by placing your body flat on the floor. For ideal results you should ensure that you are facing the floor.
With your palms flat on the floor under your shoulders, you should tuck in your elbows so that they are close to your torso. You should then slowly move your upper body off the floor starting with your chest.
You should then move your upper body into an upright position and keep your palms on the ground until your arms are straight.
For interested readers we also have some very handy and related information on our website about yoga alliance international india and yoga retreat in goa.

How to Choose the Best Yoga Management Software

Administration of the yoga business as the owner of yoga studio or as a teacher could give one happiness in teaching and sharing yoga to the people. But this is business where the owner has to maintain a lot of staffs and teachers in order to make the business running. It is not easy to maintain the finance reports, do marketing and advertisements and grow business. To reduce the workload of administrative affairs there is the yoga management software having different features which would help in the management of yoga business. This studio software is also used in pilates, personal training, dance, martial arts, fitness, health club and salons.
Robust scheduling capacity
The business administrator should remember that class and private session is the heart of the business. So scheduling software would only allow getting the automatic bookings, email responder software and the credit card processor to make the upfront payment. There is central database creating the scheduling software. Postal digital calendars are updated automatically. Calendars posted throughout the website would do changes fast in one calendar. The software would enable to log in, book and reserve for private classes and pay online through credit card. Auto responder software associated with booking of private classes and payment of fees would send email messages to students. Even if someone cancels classes or those who are in the waiting lists would get chances thus reducing no-class shows.
Centralized Database for students
As the owner of yoga business the tracking of students through spreadsheets is done efficiently. That same thing cannot be managed from Excel. Any properly programmed database is used to manage the student contact database. To expand business this contact database is very important because as the yoga business owner the student contact information is highly important to exchange various information from time to time. If the contacts are integrated in the email software then automatically the messages would be received by the students immediately.
Autoresponder Email Integration
Without Email Auto responding software program the emails are sent at pre-defined hours. When there are a bunch of e-mail messages regarding notice of sales, vacancies of class and events those could be sent on the specified date to all students. Even if a student joins for the class the news could even be sent to the newcomer's mail address without delay. So triggering the series of email messages is the primary importance of the email software.
Processing Credit Card with E-commerce capability
Credit card processing is always a hassle. The 'on the cloud' software provides the facility at the minimal costs to process credit cards in the computer. With this processing the administrator could integrate class schedules after getting the upfront payment. Even the e-commerce option could enable any business owner to sell retail goods with best packages. Also such package could provide great revenue and referrals.
Payroll Management
Tracking independent contractors with classes and paying the remuneration is a hectic job. If the yoga business class uses the software where from the scheduling of classes to remuneration management all could be figured out instantly along with the students' who are paying hourly fees and flat fees could be instantly checked without much tracking and hassle.
Swipe students' cards and capability of tag
Yoga studios issue swipe cards or tags enable students to scan attendance. They are fast and ready to use. Even they are convenient for students. Swipe technology has been in use for the yoga business studio providing a great convenience to students and the management department. Such software could save time and money for installation and software network costs.
Online Yoga Studio Management Software provided Get a handle on your yoga studio class schedule, registration & billing the easy way. Find more information about yoga studio software at -

What Type Of People Should Take Yoga Teacher Training Online?

Many people opt to become yoga instructors, oftentimes by taking yoga teacher training online. However, there are many yoga students who have considered undergoing teacher training, but aren't sure if this career path is right for them. While there is certainly a difference between a student who's passionate about yoga and a full-fledged instructor, both share a passionate interest in yoga, meditation and advancing their practice. To help determine whether or not teacher training is right for you, here are some of the qualities that make for a good yoga instructor.
Someone Who Lives and Breathes Yoga - If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is heading off to a class, then you might just be a perfect candidate for teacher training. Yoga teachers share a deep and universal love for their practice. They say that those who do what they love will never work a day in their lives. If yoga is your passion, a career as an instructor could be perfect.
Someone Who Want To Help People - In the media, yoga has gotten the reputation of being nothing more than a mere workout. However, passionate yogis know that this is simply not the case. Yoga has been known to treat a wide array of physical and psychological ailments, from depression to physical injuries to insomnia and more. Those who feel that it is their calling to help people would be happy in a position as a yoga instructor. As a teacher, you'll not only help your students to advance their practice, but to deal with issues that they have been struggling with in their lives.
Someone Who Wants To Own a Studio - Many yogis harbor the not-so-secret dream of someday owning their own studio. While some studio owners don't have their certification, the vast majority do. By having your teacher certification, you'll be a better studio owner. You'll have a good understanding of what makes a great teacher and also have the option to potentially teach a few classes on your own.
Someone Who Wants To Deepen Their Practice - Not everyone who takes teacher training online is completely positive that they want to switch careers and become an instructor. Sometimes, enthusiastic yogis enroll in instructor training for the simple reason that they are ready to deepen their practice and get a better understanding of yoga. Even if you aren't sure that you want to become a teacher full-time, investing in teacher training will help you to expand your practice and become a better yogi.
Teacher training can be invaluable to a wide array of yogis. Even if you aren't positive that you are ready to become a full-time instructor, passionate yogis often find that teacher training programs help them to improve their own practice and get a better understanding of the deeper meaning of yoga. For those who are ready to definitely become yoga instructors, teacher training is the crucial first step towards beginning your new journey as an instructor. By devoting your life to yoga, you'll gain a sense of peace and joy that all novice yogis aspire to obtain. Namaste.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Chair Yoga for Office Workers To Feel Instant Relief of Neck and Shoulder Pain

When you tell someone you're an office worker of whatever role, the only real dangers assumed are that of a paper cut. Very few realise the real dangers that lurk in every office.
When you're hunched over a desk, the most notorious pains are in the shoulders, neck and back.
This one exercise is one of many for chair yoga for office workers to use anytime
I use it daily and it works a charm every time.
Introducing You to the Seated Neck Roll
Since I sit a desk for most of the day, I love the seated neck roll. Now if you've any problems with your spine, or a neck injury, do not even attempt to do this.
For those in good physical shape, but sit for a long time, you'll no doubt experience stiffness in your neck.
You might be used to the old-fashioned elbows back, shoulders forward that all of us seem to do out of habit. (think of your first stretch when you get of bed)
With the seated neck roll, once you feel the instant benefits, you'll go back to this time and again because it's so simple, yet so powerful it's like having tension relief instantaneously.
All you do is perch your neck out long, looking up to the ceiling.
As you lift your head, inhale deep through your nose and feel the air as it fills your lungs.
Slowly but gently shift your head from the upwards gaze, to bring your right ear toward your right shoulder. Exhale as you do and you'll feel the tension release. You'll also feel the stretch on the left side of your neck.
That's why you should never do this if you're any neck or spinal injuries.
With your head tilted to the right, slowly bring your neck into line with your chest and embrace that relaxation.
Then repeat to the opposite side of your neck.
I find just five neck rolls are enough to relieve tension and they can be done in any amount of rolls, at any time you feel the need to.
Never push more than you can though.
Some say that you can add your arms into the movement by crossing the right arm the left side of the head, using your arms to pull your head to the opposite side. I do not recommend you do that as it could result in you forcing the move, rather than going as far as you comfortably can.
Just remember if you feel pain, your body is telling to stop.
Pain is not strain though. A gentle stretch and you'll feel strain.
Not pain.
If you feel any pain, just don't do it.
And if you don't know the difference between pain and strain, then speak to a professional before continuing.
Using just that one chair yoga movement provides instant pain relief. You can discover more by visiting

Discover the 1 Chair Yoga Pose for Beginners to Experience Tranquility on Demand

Nobody practices becoming a couch potato, but certain lifestyles and careers lead to health issues stemming from immobility. The only way to keep mobility for longer is to use what you already got.
Assuming you have a chair, I'll share with you how to get the best out of it.
You see, when you're sitting for dismal periods of time, it's like you're inviting ill-health into your life.
Even sitting in waiting rooms, travelling on an airplane, train, or driving for long hours, you're not actively engaging your major joints that keep the joint aches at bay.
Inactivity causes aches and pains, and that gets worse with age.
  • The more you work your joints, the more flexible you become
  • The more you become aware of your breathing, the more mindful you become.
Mindful awareness with flexibility improvements, brings a complete new meaning to total body health.
How you do is through yoga.
The most gentle of yoga practice is done with the chair you're sitting on.
You Need to Learn to Breathe before Doing Chair Yoga for Beginners!
As silly as that sounds, there is a fundamental breathing technique that makes yoga work tremendously for stress relief, and a holistic healing exercise for all sorts of health woes.
Breathing brings your mind and body together, for complete relaxation instantly.
Proper breathing starts with a straight back. Sitting upright, put both hands on your belly.
Breathing from deep in your diaphragm with your hands there lets you focus on how your body is working.
Inhale through your nose, feeling your stomach push out with the intake of oxygen. As it pushes its way up your body, you will start to feel the air fill your lungs, and then you exhale and feel the tension leave with it.
The one chair yoga pose every beginner starts with is the seated mountain pose.
It's the grounding for every chair yoga sequence, and here's how you do it...
How to get your body into the Seated Mountain Pose
If you have a good strong back, then place yourself to the edge of your seat. If you need to support your back, then use a chair with a flat back that will help you keep your spine straight.
With your butt planked to the edge of your seat, perch your back up straight, so that when you inhale, your belly and chest thrust forward.
Practice a few rounds of mindful breathing, with your hands across your belly, and then place both your hands on your knees.
  • Butt cheeks to the edge of your seat
  • Back straight
  • Palms of hands resting on your knees
  • Legs hips width apart
The above is the seated mountain pose used between sequences..
In the seated mountain pose you have one goal - None
The instant you put a goal into the sequence, such as to become relaxed, you're forcing it by focusing on that goal.
Without a goal in mind, you can put your full energy and focus into the yoga poses and breathing that will leave you feeling relaxed and decompressing each muscle worked with different chair yoga poses.
Now you know how to do the seated mountain pose, click here to discover chair yoga sequences you can use today for instant muscle and mental stress relief

3 Of the Best Exercises Using Chair Yoga for Back Pain

Regardless how active or inactive you are, back pain will surface. Second to the cold, it's the most common health problem we all have.
The solution is not to reach for the painkillers in the medicine cabinet, but to take a proactive approach to work with your back, improve spinal alignment through body posture.
You're about to learn just 3 ways to do that without leaving your chair.
  • First up - The Lateral Stretch
You're already familiar with this one. After a good nights rest, you rise out of bed, and take a big long stretch. Arms raised to the ceiling, straightening your back.
For some reason that first stretch of the day has a magnificent energizing feel to it.
You can capitalise on that feeling any time you're feeling the tension build in your lower back region.
All you do is bring yourself to the edge of your seat, and straighten your back.
Inhaling through your nose, bring your arms out in a wide stretch, raising them up so that the end position is both hands outstretched above your head. Hold that position for a few breaths, and lower your arms back down.
  • Next up - The Cat Cow Pose
The easy way to remember this one is to
a) Inhale and arch your spine
b) Exhale and round your spine
As you inhale and arch your spine, stretch your neck towards the ceiling.
As you exhale, round your spine and lower your neck so your nose is pointing toward your chest.
Do not try it if you've got chronic pain, or any neck injury.
  • 3rd - The Seated Twist
For a quick five-minute twist, this one works miraculously. It works best if you have sidearms on your chair, so it's perfect as an armchair yoga exercise.
Sitting with your back straight, take one hand and place on your opposite knee, with your other hand on the back of the chair to the same side you're other hand is placed.
From that side position, gently move your neck so that you're looking over your shoulder. You'll feel the stretch on your neck and lower back, but the instant you feel it too much, don't force your neck around any further.
You should feel a comfortable stretch and nothing painful.
Go only as far as what feels comfortable to you.
There you have it -
3 Chair yoga exercises for back pain prevention
  1. The seated lateral stretch
  2. The seated cat cow pose
  3. The seated Twist
Practicing those just twice a week will...
  • Increase spinal flexibility
  • Strengthen your upper and lower back
  • Tone and stretch your abdominal muscles
  • Improve your circulation
  • Reduce back, neck and shoulder tension
The above are only touching on chair yoga exercises for back pain... to discover even more awesome stuff about what chair yoga can do for you, click here to visit

Chair Yoga for Seniors Gives the Upper Hand in Aging Ailments

A coupon arrives in the post for a free game of bingo on the Friday evening session. You have two choices of what you do with it.
  1. Use it
  2. Lose it
The same goes for your mobility. You can use it or you will eventually lose it.
Flexibility is one of the highest concerns for an aging population.
  • Joints stiffen
  • Reflexes slow
  • Aches and pains come par for the course.
That is if you choose to let it get you down.
Even when mobility and associated health problems charge at you, dishing out chronic back pain, sciatica, arthritis, or even constipation...
You can fight back without leaving your seat.
Every health concern, and life woe that worries you adds to a burden of stress.
Stress is a part of life! You can work with it and manage stress healthily, or you can let it rule the roost and dominate your life.
Do you know how severe unhealthy stress is?
It can lead to:
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of Cortisol
Cortisol Helps You Survive, or it Can Destroy Your Life - If you let it!
Cortisol is natural as it's the bodies primary stress hormone. When you're watching TV, stick the toaster on the kitchen... it screws up, burns the toast, and the smoke alarm goes haywire.
So does your body with Cortisol.
It's the fight of flight response that tells you that you need to take action. You sort out whatever raised your pulse rate through the rush of the Cortisol hormone, and then it returns to the baseline.
If you age without actively managing your stress levels, you can wind up with a body that's pre-programmed to be in fight-or-flight response mode.
Constantly on edge, agitated, anxious, sleep deprived etc. (if you're feeling that now, you'll learn in a minute how to banish the anxiety)
Too much Cortisol leads to all sorts of health concerns including disrupting your digestive system, which can lead to chronic constipation.
Eradicate all of those with just the one part of chair yoga for Seniors
  • Breathing
During a chair yoga session, emphasis is put on breathing techniques to inhale deep from the diaphragm, bringing oxygen up through your body, into your chest, up to your head, and then slowly exhaled.
The increase in oxygen alone through effective breathing techniques lowers Cortisol instantly, relieving your body of the high anxiety levels.
That can be done anytime of the day, regardless whether you are or are not actively using chair yoga exercises.
For the (roughly) one hour that you do use the chair yoga sequences, (some can be done in only 5 minutes) you can improve your flexibility, regain mobility in all your major joints, without putting any stress on your knees, ankles, wrists, or back.
It's a relaxation exercise, great for the mind and body.
Just a few weeks and you will see and a new and improved you.
You can unlock massive health benefits with the chair you're sitting on right now. Discover how at and watch the free video demo for a 10-minute chair yoga sequence you can use instantly

Unlock the Secrets of Chair Yoga for Stress Relief With Ujjayi Breathing

Just for a moment, close your eyes and picture the scenic views of an ocean. What does it feel like to you?
Chances are it's peaceful, tranquil and picturesque blue.
Now let me paint a different picture.
A scene filled with torrential rain hailing down from the dark thundery sky, waves crashing fiercely and in the distance of the stormy water, you see the distress lights signalling through the currents of tidal waves flying over a fishing trawler.
Your heart rate rises, breathing becomes faster, more oxygen floods through your body, you feel confused, irrational even and can't instantly decide the best action to take.
  • Your attention is distracted
  • You can't hold your concentration
  • You struggle to make a rational decision in the heat of the moment.
Welcome to Your Autonomic Nervous System
If this is taught in school, I couldn't have been listening that day. If you weren't either, listen up...
It's made of two parts.
  1. The Sympathetic Nervous System
  2. The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS)
My take: The Sympathetic Nervous System kicks in when you care. The PSNS to me means I couldn't care less.
In truth, it's your relaxation response and that's controlled by the Vagus Nerve.
Without boring you with a lesson on human anatomy, the Vagus nerve is responsible for the following:
  • Slowing down your breathing
  • Reducing your heart rate
  • Lowering your blood pressure
  • Stimulates your digestive system
Each of those above will benefit you. From panic attacks, to weight loss, you're about to discover the one breathing technique that lets you tap into your Parasympathetic Nervous System for instant stress relief.
Ujjayi Breathing with Chair Yoga to Manage Your Stress Healthily
Ujjayi breathing is simply inhaling and exhaling through your nose. The technique is done using your diaphragm.
Every breath is done with equal duration and you're always in control.
If you struggle to inhale for five seconds, then reduce it to a couple of seconds. Just make sure it's a one-two on the inhale, and a one-two on the exhale so that the breathing is equal both in and out.
It works great with chair yoga, as you have the support there to keep your back straight, and the different poses help to open your airways more and get the circulation moving better.
There's no stress put on any part of your body.
Just one minute with any of the many chair yoga poses will instantly calm your mind.
Do you think you need to be flexible to do chair yoga?
Try this...
Take a seat, sit up straight, relax your shoulders, chest, and let your stomach relax, as if you're just letting all flop to your feet.
Take a deep and slow breath in from your diaphragm, feel the oxygen move up through your body, and then exhale slowly for the same time you done when you inhaled.
That's the breathing element of chair yoga.
Now all you have to do is combine the Ujjayi breathing with these chair yoga poses, and you'll soon be a master at using chair yoga for stress relief whenever you feel the need to. Just visit to learn how

Chair Yoga Exercises to Open the Hips and Relieve the Tension

Do you know the damage that sitting is doing to you? It's been said that "sitting is the new smoking," but you're about to discover how to reverse the dangers, open your hip flexors and feel the relief from tight hips caused by prolonged sitting.
In the office, stress levels are high and it's not unusual to hear the whispered words of "this jobs going to be the death of me."
While I wouldn't go as far to say that the dangers are even remotely close to that of smoking, there are lurking side-effects from sitting too long.
That's why chair yoga has its benefits.
It's ideal for those in office work, drivers, and those new to retirement struggling for things to do.
Let's face it, most of the community activities that used to free to use have or are being hit by budget cuts left, right and center.
That's the society we live in though.
What's one to do?
a) Accept it and deal with the consequences
b) Sit up, take notice, and more importantly, take charge of the situation.
I opt for B and I'll about to tell you why
Because chair yoga poses are so simple to do, and they're great for the mind and body.
Relaxing the mind is crucial.
If that's left to run rampant, you're in for a life filled with stress, anxiety, and potentially depression if you let it drag you down.
The breathing techniques used in any type of yoga, (chair, mat, or standing), calms your mind.
That makes stress a matter of choice.
Either you choose to let stress drag you down, or you choose to manage it and practice healthy stress management, because we all know it can't be avoided.
These chair yoga practices let you do that, and that's the instant benefit.
The longer-term benefit for those who do sit for an extended time is that you get to flex your major joints.
The major joints these couple of exercises focus on is your hip flexors.
That's the joints giving you the stiffness when you rise up from the chair.
Any guesses on how you can open your hip flexors to relieve that stiffness?
Would you believe it...
The Hip Opener
Here's how you do it
  • Sit at the edge of your seat
  • Hands at either side of your chair
  • Put both legs out straight in front of you, slightly bent at the knee
  • Bring one leg over the other (if you can't manage that, just cross your legs at your ankles)
  • Slowly bring your foot that's on the floor to be under your knee
  • Slowly bend yourself forward from the hips
  • Hold that stretch for ten deep breaths
How about a forward bend
  • Sit right back on your seat
  • Bend forward between your legs, and let your hands touch the floor
  • Again - hold for 10 breaths
If you can't manage that, then at least do it halfway to get some movement in the hips.
Think of the half-forward bend as the "brace" position demonstrated on flight safety demonstrations. If you can't manage that, chances are, you shouldn't be flying.
Don't miss another flight, or let tight hips be your pet peeve another day. Discover chair yoga, the benefits, the ten minute routine on video, and your chance to stretch your muscles in the simplest way. On your chair!

The 3 Pieces of Equipment That Give the Best Chair Yoga Experience

Hold up, you mean I need to invest to use a chair for yoga?
You actually don't need anything apart from the chair you have, but there are things that can help make the experience more comfortable and even more enjoyable.
You don't often hear the word enjoyable mentioned in a conversation about exercise, but there you go.
Chair yoga can be enjoyable, and the following list helps to make that experience a reality for you.
1) The Clothing you wear
If you're practicing chair yoga at your dining room table, feel free to wear pyjamas. The most comfortable clothing you have, wear them for the exercises. Sweat pants with an elasticized waistband allow for plenty of movement.
If you're wear trousers with a belt, you can just as easily loosen it for comfort when you're sitting and moving.
As for what to wear on your feet, that one's simple. Take your shoes off and do it barefoot.
If you're prone to cold feet and prefer to keep your socks on, then toe socks are handy to wear as it lets you see your feet and toes as you're moving them around as some of the exercise focus primarily on working out the toe muscle and ankles.
2) The Yoga Mat
If you're doing chair yoga in the kitchen with a tiled, or vinyl floor, the yoga mat will be essential to prevent the chair from sliding around.
Use the yoga mat to support your chair, to help it support you better.
For any standing yoga poses where the chair is used to support your balance and you don't have a yoga mat, be sure to place the chair against a wall so it isn't likely to slide away from you.
3) The Yoga Block, Bolster or a Small Stool
To make sure your feet are always flat to the floor surface, you can use a yoga block, or a bolster by placing on the ground so you can rest your feet on them and keep them flat throughout each different exercise.
The Chair to Use Matters
The best chairs to use for yoga are those with a flat back and no wheels on them. Folding chairs work best as they don't have sidearms, but any dining room chair will do.
Chairs with side arms aren't as beneficial, but you can adapt different positions as a work around quite easily.
If you have the above, you're ready to get the most benefits of chair yoga. Find out how, by visiting

Intermediate Yoga Sequence For Developing Pratyahara

Start with sun salutations to warm up with. From here come to warrior one followed by warrior two.
Now move to malasana. This is a wonderful asana for opening up the hips and also for working on balance.
The next posture is badakonasana. This posture is also known as bound angle pose or cobbler's pose and is also a very good posture for opening up the inner thighs. Remember there are variations where you can lean forward to increase the stretch and a variation where you can lie back to relax into the stretch.
The next posture is crow pose. This brings strength into your arms and core muscles.
This is followed by crane pose. This is similar to crow pose but uses the triceps more as you try to bring the knees into the shoulders.
Jump back into chaturanga again to strengthen the arms. Even if you can only jump back a little bit it is fine.
From here come to side crow. This strengthens your core muscles as well as your arms. You work the internal obliques as well as the transverse abdominus on both sides of the body.
Navasana is also known as boat pose and is a very good posture for strengthening the core muscles.
The next posture is makarasana. Makarasana is also known as crocodile pose. It involves lying on your front with the palms supporting the chin and is very good for opening up the upper back.
Salamba Bhujangasana or sphinx pose is the next posture. To do this pose lie on your front with the forearms on the ground and your elbows under your shoulders. This opens up the upper and middle back.
Sarpasana follows. This posture is also known as snake pose. Lie on your front with your hands behind your back and interlinked. This helps to open up the shoulders and the upper back.
Bhujangasana is next. This posture is like upward dog which is described below but in this version you only rise to where feels comfortable and also in this version you take your palms off the ground. This helps to open up and strengthen the upper back.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or upward dog stretches out the whole of the spine. Extend up as much as you can in this pose.
Salabasana follows next. Salabasana is also known as locust pose and strengthens out the lower back.
Now come to bridge pose and repeat three times.
Urdhva Dhanurasana is next. This brings you a lot of energy. When you can hold it for longer then have a go doing leg raises. But only when you feel confident.
Viparita Dandasana. Also try viparita dandasana too only if you feel confident and your shoulder feels okay. Remember to start with your head on the ground, then hands into a headstand position and finally legs extended. If you feel unsure at any point then come out from this posture.
Ustrasana or camel pose is next. From here come onto your knees and open up your spine.
For half kapotasana start on your knees and work back to help open up the spine. Again only do this posture if you feel confident.
From here come to natarajasana. Make sure that your shoulders feel open.
Ardha Matsyendrasana is next.
This is also known as half spinal twist and is exactly that. As well as releasing out the spinal cord (which is good after practising backbends) this posture also helps to stimulate the pancreas and hence the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas which produce insulin. This posture hence helps prevent diabetes.
Gomukhasana follows.
This posture is also known as cow faced pose and helps to open out the shoulders as well as the hip muscles.
Agnistambhasana is the next posture.
This posture is also known as fire log pose and helps to open up the hips, the gluteus muscles and also the piriformis muscle. Sit on the floor with the fronts of the legs parallel to the yoga mat, ankle over knee of the opposite foot and feet flexed.
From here come to samakonasasa. You can rest your feet against a wall if you need to. Come out from the posture if you feel any knee or hip pain.
Janushirasana is also known as head to knee pose. Remember that in order to protect the back, as you breath in straighten the back and as you breath out come forward. Take a strap around the foot or bend the knee to help the back to come to upright if you need to. Repeat this posture on both sides. This asana helps with introversion. It also opens up the hamstrings as does the next asana.
Paschimottanasana is also known as seated forward bend and is similar to janushirasana but with both feet together. Again the back should straighten on the inhalation and a strap or bent knees can be used. This posture helps with introversion too.
Trikonasana follows. Trikonasana is also known as triangle pose. This posture also helps to open up the hips.
Rajakapotasana is also known as king pigeon pose. It helps open out the quadricep muscles at the front of the thigh from the leg which is rested on the ground. It also helps open out the hip muscle of the opposite leg.
From here come to half warrior pose to open up your quadracep muscles and your groin area and then from here come to urdha prasarita eka padasana taking hold of the front leg.
From here come to hanumanasana now that your groin, hamstring and quadracep muscles are more open.
From here come to ardha bhekasana opening up one quadracep muscle and and then the other side.
Now that both quadracep muscles aare open come to full bhekasana.
Vrksasana follows.
This posture is also known as tree pose. This posture helps to strengthen out the core, develop balance as well as strengthening the supporting leg. The hip also opens up for the leg which is out to the side.
Remember you can try to bind one hand behind to the foot if you like and then come forward to the floor with one hand.
This helps open out the hip ready for padmasana.
From padmasana (lotus pose) twist to each side, to open up the spine and shoulders more - then come to baddha padmasana from here.
Utpluthih is next.
Push up from lotus pose (use blocks if you want to) with one hand at either side of you.
From here use dolphin pose to further strengthen the arms especially the triceps, ready for handstand. The more you walk the feet in towards the head, the more the core muscles and the lower bandhas strengthen.
Come to headstand from here if you want to and if you feel confident.
From here push up to pinchamayurasana and then scorpion also if you feel confident.
Downward dog follows.
This times with the palms on the ground and the middle finger pointing forward. Pull your belly button in towards your spine. This is an important inverted posture that helps you bring oxygenated blood to the brain and helps the heart to rest.
From here up into handstand if you know how to. Remember to activate your lower t bandhas. Push your belly button to your spine and feel confident.
Finally come to shavasana or corpse pose to relax.
Namit Kathoria has a Bachelors Degree from King's College London in Pharmacy and a Masters Degree in Clinical Pharmacy from Queen's University Belfast. He is also a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and has worked the Pharmacist Advisor to NHS Direct. He hence has a vast knowledge of health and nutrition which he applies to his teaching. He has studied yoga across the world including various parts of his native India including Dharamshala, Rishikesh and Mysore. He currently teaches at retreats in Spain at Yoga Sutra Shala in Sayalonga. To read more please visit

How To Prepare For Your Yin Yoga Teacher Course

In the weeks leading up to your yin yoga teacher course, you might be feeling a wide array of emotions. Some students experience anxiety and worry over whether or not they'll be able to handle everything that comes with a teacher training program. You should attempt to clear your mind and rid yourself of worry before you begin training. While training can be intense, the programs are designed to help you ease into your journey of becoming an instructor. To help ensure that you're in the best physical and mental state in the weeks leading up to your training program, here are some tips on how to prepare for yoga instructor training.
Ensure That All of Your Paperwork Is In Order - Before you begin your yoga teacher training, make sure that you have all of your paperwork in order. If you are taking an online course, be sure that your computer is in working order and that all of your software is up to date. If you are moving away temporarily to take teacher training, double-check that your accommodations are in perfect order. It's best to be prepared ahead of time than to have to deal with hiccups when you're supposed to be focusing on your training.
Practice But Don't Overwhelm Yourself - Stick to your practice in the weeks leading up to your teacher training, ensuring that you are in great physical shape and flexible when you begin training. However, don't make the mistake of trying to overwhelm yourself before you head off to teacher training. Many students try to cram in too many hours on their mat before they begin training in an effort to be the best student in their program. However, your program will be intense enough. You should show up in good physical condition, but it's unnecessary to try to overexert yourself.
Keep A Healthy Diet - Many yogis strive to keep a healthy, mostly plant-based diet. Since teacher training might be intense, you'll feel a lot better and be better prepared if you keep a healthy, organic and plant-based diet in the weeks leading up to teacher training. Avoid excess amounts of caffeine as well, drinking primarily water to stay well-hydrated and energized.
Get Enough Sleep - Getting enough sleep each night is quintessential in feeling healthy, energized and prepared to take on long days on your yoga mat. If you find it difficult to get enough sleep each night, try winding down at the end of the day with a series of relaxing and non-intense poses. A glass of herbal tea and a peaceful sleep environment can be very helpful as well.
The road towards becoming a yoga instructor will be both enlightening and challenging. If you follow these tips in the weeks and days leading up to your training program, you'll be in a great physical and emotional place to undergo your program. Remember to breathe, focus and to take great care of yourself. Namaste.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Considerations Regarding Online Yoga Certification Programs

Once a little known eastern tradition, yoga has been steadily gaining in popularity over the past several years. As interest grows, so does the need for qualified yoga instructors. This interest has generated a number of online yoga certification programs.
Individual programs will each have their own prospectus with no one school being the same as another. So, how does one choose the best school or program for their needs? While there is no set formula for choosing one program over another, there are some things to consider that might make the choice easier.
Take the Time to Research
It is important to not enroll in the first program you look at. Do a little research and learn what the curriculum consists of and how much the program costs. Costs will vary dramatically depending on the curriculum and other factors.
Another aspect you'll want to consider is the delivery method for teaching the course. You'll want to make sure your system is compatible with the method used. Also, be sure the course will fit with your lifestyle. For instance, some programs need you online at certain times while others will be more flexible.
It is also a good idea to search reviews of the school you are thinking of enrolling in. Previous or current students often post reviews of their experience with a school or instructor. The Better Business Bureau is another place to check. You'll want to know if the school has a good or bad reputation before committing to it.
Yoga Training Takes Time
Whether you attend in person or online, yoga training will take a fair amount of time to complete. Be sure you're ready to commit to this requisite. If not, maybe you should wait until you have adequate time before looking into online yoga certification programs.
That said-online training is more flexible than a traditional on site course. You can typically schedule your online coursework to work around other obligations and better fit your lifestyle. Again, some facilities will have a more rigorous schedule than others. This is another area where your research can help with your decision.
Consider the Elements Being Taught
Each school has unique training methods and curriculum. Some will largely focus on different poses while others will offer a more practical teaching perspective. Then again, there will be schools which will spotlight the holistic aspects of yoga more intensely.
It is very important to know exactly what outcome you are seeking. If learning or brushing up on the more difficult poses is your aim, you'll want to choose a program that concentrates on that aspect. On the other hand, if your goal is teaching, you'll want a program that focuses on that application.
As you can see, there is more to choosing a yoga training program than just picking a program and going with it. Your best recourse is to take time to consider what you want out of the program. Then do a lot of researching on various online schools and programs. Reputable schools want you to succeed and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: