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Chair Yoga for Office Workers To Feel Instant Relief of Neck and Shoulder Pain

When you tell someone you're an office worker of whatever role, the only real dangers assumed are that of a paper cut. Very few realise the real dangers that lurk in every office.
When you're hunched over a desk, the most notorious pains are in the shoulders, neck and back.
This one exercise is one of many for chair yoga for office workers to use anytime
I use it daily and it works a charm every time.
Introducing You to the Seated Neck Roll
Since I sit a desk for most of the day, I love the seated neck roll. Now if you've any problems with your spine, or a neck injury, do not even attempt to do this.
For those in good physical shape, but sit for a long time, you'll no doubt experience stiffness in your neck.
You might be used to the old-fashioned elbows back, shoulders forward that all of us seem to do out of habit. (think of your first stretch when you get of bed)
With the seated neck roll, once you feel the instant benefits, you'll go back to this time and again because it's so simple, yet so powerful it's like having tension relief instantaneously.
All you do is perch your neck out long, looking up to the ceiling.
As you lift your head, inhale deep through your nose and feel the air as it fills your lungs.
Slowly but gently shift your head from the upwards gaze, to bring your right ear toward your right shoulder. Exhale as you do and you'll feel the tension release. You'll also feel the stretch on the left side of your neck.
That's why you should never do this if you're any neck or spinal injuries.
With your head tilted to the right, slowly bring your neck into line with your chest and embrace that relaxation.
Then repeat to the opposite side of your neck.
I find just five neck rolls are enough to relieve tension and they can be done in any amount of rolls, at any time you feel the need to.
Never push more than you can though.
Some say that you can add your arms into the movement by crossing the right arm the left side of the head, using your arms to pull your head to the opposite side. I do not recommend you do that as it could result in you forcing the move, rather than going as far as you comfortably can.
Just remember if you feel pain, your body is telling to stop.
Pain is not strain though. A gentle stretch and you'll feel strain.
Not pain.
If you feel any pain, just don't do it.
And if you don't know the difference between pain and strain, then speak to a professional before continuing.
Using just that one chair yoga movement provides instant pain relief. You can discover more by visiting

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