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3 Surprising Things Chair Yoga Does For You

The limitations on many yoga poses are removed with chair yoga. You don't have to be able to the splits, balance your body in headstands, and perform like a contortionist to experience the health benefits of yoga.
A reduction of stress levels is one of the more well-known benefits of any type of yoga practice and that's gained through the way you breathe.
That's something we all have in common as we all share the same thing that keeps us alive.
  • The oxygen we breathe.
Every breath you take can shape the way you handle all the things in your life.
That's what separates the people from the tense and highly strung people, on edge every second, to the people who can just take life in their stride.
Anyone can alter their attitude to life.
If you find it difficult to take life in your stride, then get started with chair yoga.
Once you do, you'll invite these 3 surprising benefits will happen
1. Your personality will change to one that is more outgoing.
If you find it difficult to get on with people, it's probably because you have some type of fear about how you'll be judged.
If you're practicing chair yoga in a group class, you'll definitely find that your social contacts will increase and since each person in the group is doing the same thing, you'll surround yourself with people who have positive attitudes, which is guaranteed to keep your spirits up.
2. You'll be more aware of your body posture every time you sit, stand and take a walk.
During every chair yoga session, you're getting familiar with your body posture, connecting the body and mind and as time goes by... you'll find you become more aware of your posture in everything you do.
You'll recognise when your shoulders are hunching and start to correct it naturally. Same with sitting slouched.
3. You become more aware that there are things in life you cannot control.
A major stress attribution is dealing with surprises. Sometimes right out of the blue, something will take you by surprise and the only thing you know is to react.
There's always going to be curveballs in life and it's how you cope with them that matters.
Since chair yoga uses breathing techniques and body motions, you're able to connect the mind and body, revitalising your energy levels.
It's those energy levels that you'll find will help you take life in your stride. Instead of being reactive to life when the curveball happens, you'll begin to naturally become proactive at working around difficult situations.
It's a balancing act of dealing with situations that are outside of your control, and taking a more focused approach to the things in life you can control.
You too can experience the above benefits and many more, Just Click this link to be taken to and find out how today!

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