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The Basic Etiquette of a Yoga Class

Whether you are practicing Yoga in a gym or a studio, there is generally some basic etiquette to follow. These etiquettes help you, the students around you and the teacher to feel comfortable during the yoga practice.


Many studios operate their yoga classes on an honor-system basis, one in which students simply sign their name upon arrival, then take their place in the room. As the system relies heavily on honesty, consider it good yoga karma to be honest in your transactions. A common temptation is also applying for "first time specials" under different names. A temptation it may be but consider that one of the major tenets of yoga is ahimsa - or non-stealing. True yoga exists both on and off the mat.


Talking during yoga is a no-no. If you don't understand a posture then look first to your neighbor to try to mimic their motion. If this doesn't work then subtly flag the teacher for their attention. A good teacher will take time to work together with you to perfect your position, even if that means getting into the details after class. If you arrive early to class be considerate to the other yogis around you. Many view the yoga space as sacred and a rare opportunity for calm in an otherwise hectic world. If you're going to chat with your neighbor, do so quietly and with respect for the tone of the room.

Electronic Devices:

A phone call or a beeper going off in the middle of a yoga session is always unwelcome and you don't want to be the bashful yogi rushing to turn off your phone. Getting into a habit of turning off your electronic devices before entering the yoga room is best practice. It's good to remember that even a phone on vibrate can negatively affect the experience of a whole room of people during a quiet moment of meditation. Yoga is ultimately about letting go and moving inwards. Leaving your phone - and your worries - at the door will not only benefit others but also benefit you.


Yoga gives you the liberty to practice at your own pace and comfort, making it a rare opportunity for me-time in our busy world. When it comes to attire, wear what makes you comfortable. Avoid the use of clothing or perfumes that will be distracting to others. As previously mentioned, one of the tenets of yoga is non-stealing and many would view wearing organic, non-resource-stealing clothing to be in alignment with this principle.For more information about women sweatbandArticle Source: