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Practicing Yoga For Skeletal Health

Yoga has been used as a practice for furthering the health of mind, body and spirit for more than 5,000 years. Although yoga originated in the east, its appearance and place in western culture has increased in recent years. It has become a regular part of health and exercise routines for busy moms, earth-loving hippies and professional athletes alike. The benefits of regular yoga practice are many, but yoga for skeletal health is one of the most important and often overlooked reasons for practicing yoga.
When we think of getting into shape and being physically healthy, we usually think about toning and shaping our muscles, keeping off extra weight and maintaining the shape of our outward physiques, which yoga can certainly help us do. We don't always think about our bones, our spine and our skeletal system. Yet, our skeletal system is what holds the rest of it together. When things go wrong in our spine and joints, it's like falling apart from the inside out.
Let's explore some of the ways yoga practice can help the body stay structurally aligned so everything else can keep doing its beautiful job.
Yoga Helps Maintain Bone Density
The bones in the body contain living tissues that need to be built and replenished in order to be healthy. Regular yoga practice has been shown to increase the density and mass of the bones, giving the bones a better chance of staying strong and guarding against osteoporosis. Focus on tree pose, bridge pose or any triangle poses to help build bone strength.
Yoga Improves the Flow of Fluids in the Joints
In order for joints to work properly, they need to produce a fluid called synovial fluid. Regular practice of yoga poses promote the flow and production of this fluid in the body creating joint mobility and healthy cartilage for an active, healthy lifestyle. No one likes being slowed down by achy joints. Try sun salutations to stimulate the production and flow of needed fluids for the joints.
Yoga Strengthens the Supporting Muscles around the Joints
Yoga poses that target balance and stability cause the smaller stabilizer muscles around the joints to kick in and strengthen themselves. Strong stabilizer muscles around the joints protects them from misuse and injury during activity and movement in everyday life. Focus on chair pose, tree pose, eagle pose and star pose for building the supporting muscles around the joints.
Yoga Improves Posture
Regular practice of yoga poses is one of the best ways to align and lengthen the spine. It also strengthens the core and brings awareness to the way we are holding our bodies. Many people who practice yoga regularly report having increased awareness of their posture in other daily activities. Try bridge pose, boat pose, mountain pose and forward bends for good posture.
As always, remember yoga is not a race or a competition. Practice yoga safely, and never sacrifice good form for a pose. Listen to your body, and modify poses when needed. Choose the practice that fits best with your body, and reap the benefits of being aligned in mind, body and spirit.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Natural Yoga And Diet For Weight Gain

For one they are extremely conscious of their skinny image. Since clothes do not fit proportionately, they might often suffer from body image issues and turn more introverted. They also suffer from under nutrition, which can lead to a host of different problems. Getting tired too easily, skin ailments and joint pains are some of the main markers that your body is not getting enough nutrition to sustain it. In this kind of scenario, introducing a holistic diet plan and a customized yoga routine can give you tremendously positive results.
Natural diet according to your calorie requirements
Allow your body's natural pattern to tell you what you need and how much quantity is sufficient.
It is important to start the process with empirical information. Visit a nutritionist to find out exactly how many calories per day your body needs to achieve your target weight. Keep a tight meal schedule so your body gets accustomed to the increased intake of calories and adjusts accordingly within a few days. Your body needs sustainable calories so structure a high calorific diet. This should include high fibre cereals, potatoes, banana, fruit juices, and grains. You should also include dairy products to help restore your body's calcium levels to increase bone density and help muscles adhere properly to your body.
Your priorities when making up a meal plan
Many people fall in to an incorrect routine when they equate high calorific diet to eating whatever they want whenever they want. This is a very wrong notion.
It is important to keep miles away from junk food. Junk food offer empty calories. Chances are you will start suffering from listlessness, gastroenteritis, and bloated feeling. Always have a set time for you meals. Most importantly, start your day with the heaviest meal and end it with the lightest meal. Take extra care of the last meal of the day. Soups, light cereals or porridge are excellent choices.
Yoga for weight gain
Exercises are important for weight gain. Using core exercises will help your body digest the food better and the calories will adhere better to your body.
Sarvangasana is a great asana especially for people looking to gain some weight. However, make sure to have a professional guide you through the poses. Surya Namaskar is another wonderful way to start your day with yoga and accelerate your weight gain plans. The warrior pose and the tree pose helps increase your balance and also centre your core to allow your body digest food better and gain more mass.
Your priorities when opting for a yoga routine for weight gain
Yoga works by increasing your digestive fires and your appetite, which ultimately helps you gain weight. Apart from starting a natural diet and yoga routine for your makeover, you should also take care of your health with sensible financial choices such as EHIC subscription or renewal depending on your current situation. You should also consult a dietician and a yoga professional before attempting any changes in your current lifestyle.
The author is an expert in the niche health and fitness..

Some of the Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Yoga is an ancient form of art that is also known as effective low-impact exercise and has several positive effects on your stress level, mood and blood pressure. Hot yoga or Bikram Yoga is one of the popular forms of yoga that is widely practiced today, owing to its health and physical benefits. This form of exercise is practiced in a room heated to over 100 degrees. This form of exercise is not intended for everyone, but anyone who gives it a shot can enjoy several mental and physical benefits for long run.
Heat Benefits
Practicing this form of art in a super heated room is just like having sauna bath. The heat produced inside the room increases the metabolism and pulse rate of the practitioners. It also allows the blood vessels to become flexible and supple which makes the blood circulation easier and faster and also enhances blood flow in limbs. It is believed that the chances of injury in warmed-up muscles are less; therefore the heat produced in the room allows the body to move with more flexibility. Undoubtedly, you will sweat inside the room but the act of sweating will help you to manage the internal body temperature.
Practice Style
Hot yoga sessions include transitioning from one posture to another through a series known as Vinyasa. In this sequence the practitioners move to plank pose first, then down through high to low pushup and again up to cobra posture and finally downward-facing dog pose. The Vinyasa helps to keep the muscle flexible and warm. However, there is also an option where the practitioners can do individual poses with small breaks and without any transition. The environment is so warm that there is no requirement of flow between poses.
Mental Benefits
Alike all other styles of yoga, Hot Yoga also focuses on relieving stress and anxiety and promoting body-mind unity. When you practice this form of exercise you simply push yourself outside the comfort zone which is definitely an accomplishment and gradually you will amaze to observe that the upper limit of what your body can do under extreme conditions is much higher than you imagined.
It is natural to sweat while practicing Hot Yoga, but it has several benefits attached to it. It is recommended that you should drink plenty of water before you start practicing this form of exercise. It is also important that you wear light clothes while practicing this exercise. The clothes should be breathable so that it allows the sweat to evaporate and skin to breathe. If you fell any symptoms of heat exhaustion like confusion, headache, nausea, weakness, poor vision and dizziness then it is better to leave the room immediately.
To Know more details about Yoga Teacher Training in India and Yoga in India visit our website. We will be pleased to provide our services to help you in any way.

How Power Yoga Benefits You

Doing power yoga after you wake up in the morning, gives you energy for the whole day. If you pair it up with short, nightly routines, it would be relaxing for you. A few asana can help you to sleep and also, make you feel energized in the mornings. Because yoga starts with breathing, it helps you to learn proper breathing. Proper breathing helps you maintain your rhythm and also keep good habits. Your breathing exercise during the asana will keep you energized and aware throughout the day. Practicing yoga with others makes you honest as well as makes you comfortable in being a team. The target of power yoga is strength, weight loss, flexibility, and many others. It also helps during pregnancies, training sportsmen and others. Power yoga also helps you become patient because of the breathing exercises in it. It helps you calm you nerves and soothes your entire being. Some of the power yoga are mentioned below.
1. Extended Side Angle Pose - Also called Utthitha Parsvakonasana, it can greatly help those of you who want to shed the kilos from your sides. Stand straight upon the floor. Turn the right leg making a 90-degree angle; keep the left leg as it was then, make your body lower a little. Place the right hand over the right thigh and lift the left hand high up. Then, stretch it on your right side, atop your head. Look on your right side. Repeat this activity on your left side too. Hold it for one minute then, relax.
2. Eagle Pose - Another good pose for weight loss, it is best for those of you wanting thinner legs, arms, hands and thighs. Stand up straight on the ground, with your hands on the side of your body. Lift up the left leg and bend it at the knee. Next, drape it around your right leg. Lift up your hands, bringing them over your chest and then, wrap your left hand over the right hand. Look straight for several minutes and relax.
3. Pigeon Pose - Better known as Mayurasana, it is good for shedding the extra fats in abdomen region. At first, kneel over the floor then, squat over your heels. Keep the hands up on the floor, with the fingers facing your body, palms against the floor and thumbs pointing outwards. Place your elbows such that they remain pressed by your belly. From behind, make your legs straight and then, stretch them. Lift up your body so that, it is balanced on your legs and hands. Your legs and body should remain parallel with the floor. After holding it for three to five breaths, relax.
4. Cow-face Pose - Another name of this asana is Gomukhasana. It tones the muscles of your and makes you lose fats. Thus, it is a healthy exercise. Do it by sitting over the floor and spreading your legs out in front, fully stretching them. Bend your knees and then, keep your feet upon the floor. Position the left foot below the right knee so that, it remains outside your right hip. Keep the right leg over the left leg. Now, bend both hands backwards from your elbow and stretch it upwards. Make sure to place your left hand's palm behind you, over your back, exactly under the neck. Now hold it for some breaths and relax.
5. Seated Forward Bend - Called Paschimottanasana, it is one of the best options to lose weight especially those of you who want to do away with belly fat. You need to squat upon the floor maintaining a straight posture then, spread your legs out on your front. Next, exhale and then, bend your torso towards the front till your hands are reaching your toes. Try to touch your toes by your hands. Keep your forehead over the opposite side of the calf or, over your knees. Be steady for a minute then, relax.
Power yoga burns your calories, increases your stamina, flexibility, tone and strength. It promotes circulation of blood as well as boosts your immune system. Apart from this, it helps to alleviate tension and stress and also to eliminate toxins from your body through sweat.
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Stretching Into Power Yoga Classes

Getting in shape, losing weight, gaining energy and building your flexibility and strength are some of the many benefits of Yoga. Searching for classes that fit with your physical goals is the first step to enjoying more from the development of Yoga. A style that offers opportunities to help you get fit and go to the next level of health is with Power Yoga classes. This style of Yoga is one of many designed to create a healthier and more fit approach to your health.
The roots of Yoga are traced back to India through specialized practices of sages. The philosophies were developed to create longevity, better health and a balance between the body and mind. From the foundation of Yoga, a variety of schools opened with new techniques and postures for better health. The approach extended into building flexibility and strength while balancing energetic centers in the body.
Today, Yoga has extended into hundreds of practices. The Power Yoga classes are one of the varieties used with a focus on better health. The courses are designed to assist one in targeting areas of their body that need different approaches to health. Core training, strength building and flexibility are the target areas of this format, specifically which extends on the philosophies and foundation of original Yogic philosophies. The main concept is to use Yoga with faster movements and sequences that directly target the needs your body has. This speeds up the process of health, weight loss and other goals you may have.
The basis of the classes offers better health for the body and to the mind. Many of the practitioners have also extended the practice, combining it with other formats. For instance, many practice in heated rooms to speed the metabolism and to boost the practice. Others combine this with breathing techniques that have been used in Yoga, such as Hatha or Prana Yoga. Other hybrid practices from the roots of this style have also been established, specifically designed to boost specific goals that one may have. These combinations have further extended the practice while inviting in more of the positive benefits of Yoga.
With the diversity of classes offered, one is able to work toward personal goals they may have. You can tap into specific poses that are used and which target specific areas of your body. There are also sequences used, which combine a series of poses in Yoga. When practicing these sequences continuously, it rapidly changes your body and balances your health. Many are also known to boost your energy levels and mind power, specifically because of the focus of each sequence.
The development of Yoga has branched from thousands of years of practice. An alternative that is now building in popularity is with the development of specialized approaches, such as Power Yoga. The establishment of this particular practice is inclusive of health benefits for the mind and body. Finding the mixture that fits with your personal goals while allowing you to reach new levels of wellness allows you to stretch into the many benefits of Yoga.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

5 Power Yoga Poses To Complete Fitness

Power Yoga combines the mental, the physical, and the spiritual aspects of yoga along with rigorous exercise in a great manner. It is a dynamic form of yoga, based on fitness. Its model is the Ashtanga yoga. Power yoga has become extremely popular recently and is available to all. Power yoga seems to have a similar look as aerobic workouts because of its brisk nature and high tempo. Here the poses are performed faster, maintaining a continuation. When practised under supervision, regularly, power yoga makes your body become stable, balanced, poised and toned. The good thing is that, anyone can practise it.
List of the Effective Power Yoga
Among the best ways of staying fit naturally, power yoga has been considered one. Medically, it is safe, without any side effects. 5 power yoga poses contributing to your well-being are given below -
1. Wind-Releasing Pose - This pose helps you to lose excess fat in your abdominal region. It is called Pawanmuktasana. Place your back on the floor. Lift up the right leg at a 90 degree angle. Fold it and press your stomach by applying pressure on the folded leg for a minute. Hold it down with both hands to press it. Next, release and repeat this process with the other leg. This pose can also be practiced by bending both legs simultaneously.
2. Cobra Pose - This pose helps you to firm your buttocks and also, tone your abs. First, lie down on your stomach facing the floor; place your palms beside your chest, upon the floor. Next, lift the upper part of body, that is, your chest from the floor. Then, bend it backwards up till where you can and, look upwards. Remain in this pose for five full breaths and then, release.
3. Bow Pose - Also known as Dhanurasana, this yoga activity tones your legs and arms by making you lose extra fat. First, you have to lie down on your belly, upon the floor. Then, you have to bend your knees. Next, you have to lift your legs up from behind. The, arch your body back, try to grab your legs by your hands. Remain in this position for four breaths, then, release and relax.
4. Side Stretch Pose - This asana will increase the heart rate, burn your calories and also help to reduce fat on the sides. Stand upright upon the floor, maintaining a straight posture. Place your hands on the side of your body, keeping your palms down. Lift up your hands straight, stretching them upwards. Bend on your right, stretching your right hand to your right side above your head. Repeat this on your left side. One side should take five breath counts. Then, Relax.
5. Warrior Pose - This pose is also called Virbhadrasana. It is a great exercise for reducing weight. It tones your abs, arms and thighs. It also increases the capacity of your lungs. For this asana, stand straight upon the floor; spread the legs as far apart as you can. Turn the right leg and the left leg towards your right. Next, raise your arms over your head and then, stretch them. Then, join the palms of your hands together as in a prayer, look upwards and relax. Hold it for five breaths.
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How To Teach Yoga Students New Poses

Yoga instructors who are interested in learning and growing with respect to their teaching capacities should know that teaching yoga students new poses can help them accomplish this objective. Instructors who are interested in learning how to teach yoga students new poses should know that there are several simple strategies they can implement to do so. Here are four:
1. Practice Them Yourself.
In many cases, yoga instructors seek to teach yoga students new poses that have just become popular. When this happens, the yoga instructors themselves are not particularly familiar with the moves. For this reason, yoga instructors should practice new poses on their own before showing them to students. To make the most of this strategy, the instructor should practice the new yoga poses in front of a mirror. In so doing, he or she will be able to observe their own form and take any errors or structural deviations into account. Once instructors can execute a new pose without error, they will be ready to teach the move to students.
2. Show And Tell.
Typically, yoga instructors make one of two mistakes when they are attempting to teach yoga students new poses. They either "show" the students or "tell" the students. In the case of just showing, the yoga instructor does not give verbal instructions but simply executes the movement such that students learn by watching. Although this strategy can work for some students, it is not effective for every student. Why? Because many yoga students are auditory learners, meaning that their ability to grasp new material is highly contingent upon instructions and information being presented in a verbal format.
In the cases when a yoga instructor opts to simply "tell" students how to do a new pose, the rate of error and confusion will likely be high. This is the case because many yoga students are not auditory learners. Rather, they are visual and/or kinesthetic learners, meaning they need to see the movement executed or mimic the movements they've seen in order to master the move. In recognizing this, yoga instructors who want to maximize the likelihood that their students will master new moves should both show and tell their students what to do. This means that they should do a combination of the aforementioned teaching styles. By offering verbal instructions and demonstrating the moves, people will be able to master the new poses irrespective of their learning style.
3. Watch, Watch, Watch.
As many fitness professionals know, yoga instructors have a tendency to become so immersed in mastering new poses and showing them to students that they forget the importance of carefully monitoring the students as they execute the moves. Yet this is an immensely important component of the teaching process. Why? Because by carefully watching students as they execute the movements, yoga instructors can detect and subsequently correct any errors that they make.
4. Offer Gentle Correction.
Throughout the process of teaching yoga students new moves, instructors will note that some of the students are performing the poses incorrectly. When this happens, the correct mode of action will be to provide gentle correction. This means avoiding the use of potentially harsh-sounding words like "No" or "Don't." It also means to compliment the student regarding anything they're doing correctly so that they will not dwell on their shortcomings. When yoga instructors offer gentle correction in this way, students are likely to maintain their confidence and self-esteem as they strive for improvement.
Learning to teach yoga students new poses can be one of the most personally and professionally rewarding activities that an instructor engages in. Since this is the case, the yoga instructor should implement some or all of the strategies outlined above in order to master this important skill.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Basic Yoga Tips For Beginners

Proper practice of yoga exercises plays a big role in achieving optimum physical and mental development. Every posture has its own benefit. Some eliminate back issues while some provide immunity against diseases. Beginners can have some problems while practicing different yoga moves. Due to lack of knowledge, they can't practice with utmost perfect and efficiency. Therefore, here are some tips to enhance the practice experience of beginners.
1. The right outfit- First of all, beginners should select a perfect outfit to conduct their practice session. Casual and tight fitted clothes can ruin a practice session. They are not comfortable and classy enough to wear in a yoga class. A person should select a perfect pair yoga pant and top before starting his practice. He should check different yoga outfits and should select something which offers maximum comfort. Always remember, a pant should be loose while a top should be tight fitted. They should have absorbent qualities to deal with excessive sweat too. A right choice of clothing is one of the primary steps to conduct a successful practice session.
2. Essential things to carry- After selecting a perfect outfit, the next thing which should be considered are essential things to carry. For a successful yoga session, you should carry a mat and a water bottle. A mat is one of the most essential elements of a practice session. It gives comfort and helps a lot in relaxing mind as well as body. Most yoga classes have their own mats, but if you are practicing at home then select a mat with proper with proper consideration. After mat, also carry a water bottle in your bag. For hot and extensive yoga classes, a cold water bottle can prove very beneficial. It can help a lot in lowering your body temperature. So, consider these things and make sure you have them while initiating your practice session.
3. Proper warming up- The next factor which should be considered while starting a practice session is proper warming up. Without proper warming up, you cannot avail maximum benefit from different postures. Before starting off, you should warm up your body by practicing different exercises of Suryanamaskar. The basic postures involved in this exercise will prepare you well for complicated postures.
4. An attitude towards improvement- The next thing which should be considered is development of a positive outlook. A positive and growth oriented attitude is very essential to achieve success in yoga practice. In order to avail best results, you should stay focused and should try to achieve your goals. Being determined and giving best efforts is the only way to achieve efficient and permanent results. Always remember lack of determination and positivity paves a way for failures.
These were some essential yoga practice tips for beginners. After following these tips, fresh practitioners can give a nice start to their practice. The combination of these and self-efforts can bring best results in quickest possible time. Regularity is the key to achieve optimum physical fitness.
To Know more details about Yoga Teacher Training in India and Yoga in India visit our website. We will be pleased to provide our services to help you in any way.

Ensuring Yoga Student Safety

Yoga is a gentle, low-impact exercise suitable for students of all ages and skill levels. That said, there are some important things about yoga student safety that everyone-- from novice practitioners to instructors-- need to keep in mind to prevent serious injuries from happening. This is particularly the case with inverted poses like headstands or shoulderstands.
To begin with, not all yoga practitioners can do every pose. Women may wish to avoid performing inversions while menstruating, as some believe that it may increase the risk of endometriosis or cause a heavier menstrual flow. There is no prevailing opinion on this matter, however. While no significant increase in the risk of endometriosis has been linked to yoga inversions, some experts still recommend that women avoid them while menstruating. Generally speaking, since menstrual discomfort and energy levels vary widely from woman to woman and cycle to cycle, the decision to do inverted poses should be left up to the woman in question.
Next, some yoga poses may increase the risk of stroke. In patients with a history of stroke or other cardiovascular problems, inversions can place undue strain on the delicate vasculature in the brain. Poses that overextend the neck can also result in strokes-- either by causing tiny tears in the lining of the carotid artery, or by interrupting blood flow in one of the vertebral arteries. This can cause blood clots to form that deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to tissue death and permanent brain damage. These kinds of injuries don't just occur in the elderly, either. They have even occurred in otherwise healthy practitioners in their mid-twenties.
Inversions aren't just able to affect the brain, either. Practitioners that suffer from conditions like intracranial hypertension should avoid inversions since they can lead to increased intracranial pressure and damage to the optic nerves. Even healthy yoga students can develop retinal tears due to increased intraocular pressure. Students should attempt any pose that places the head lower than the torso very carefully, and stop as soon as any discomfort occurs.
Not all yoga injuries are as catastrophic as strokes or retinal tearing, however. A big part of ensuring yoga student safety is remembering that yoga is not a competitive sport. While anyone who exercises likes to see improvement in themselves, yoga is not about pushing one's limits. It is not necessary to stretch to the point of pain or discomfort. Even basic poses can result in torn tendons or other soft tissue injuries if students neglect yoga's meditative aspects and push themselves too far, too soon.
Yoga instructors and their students can prevent injuries like these by remembering that some poses are not suitable for a general yoga class, even at advanced levels. In fact, some physicians recommend against headstands and shoulderstands as a general rule. Yoga, when improperly applied, can and will do more harm than good. Yoga classes should never be "one size fits all," and yoga practitioners should not feel compelled to push themselves farther than their bodies are comfortable with.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Choosing The Right Yoga Mat - 6 Helpful Tips

Your yoga session will go a lot easier if you have a good yoga mat to exercise on. There are quite a few brands to choose from and so selection can be quite confusing. There are quite a few things to be considered when choosing a yoga mat so that you can get the most from your exercise sessions. While you do need to keep your budget in mind when making a purchase, it is important to consider the following factors as well:
• Thickness of the mat: A thin mat is easy to roll up and carry around and it doesn't take up a lot of space. However, it can be quite uncomfortable to exercise on such a mat because it provides very little cushioning. A think mat is the best option if one want to exercise painlessly.
• Gripping ability: Always choose a mat that has a surface with high traction that can prevent sliding. Keep in mind that you can get quite sweaty during exercise. Also, some mats have a tendency of sliding on the floor.
• Size: If you are on the larger size then you definitely need a mat that is a couple of inches wider and longer than other mats so that you can exercise comfortably on it.
• Durability: Mats made of PVC tend to last for very long without tearing or disintegrating even if you use them often. Cork and natural rubber mats, while being of natural substances, tend to not last for very long.
• Non-allergenic: If you are prone to allergies then you should try out a latex mat before actually purchasing it since you might be allergic to the material. On the other hand, PVC and cork mats rarely result in allergic reactions.
• Sustainability: If you are very particular about using products made from natural materials then natural rubber or cork mats will be your options. However, you do have to be aware of the fact that they do not last very long and that natural rubber has a very strong smell that rarely goes away.
As you can see, you have to take a combination of factors into account when choosing a yoga mat to exercise on. While some factors are personal preferences, others offer you value for money and long term usability. However, you do have to remember that you will only be able to practice yoga properly if you have the right mat to stretch out on.
The right equipment and accessories will help you perform yoga properly. Read lots of yoga mat reviews before spending money on a mat to exercise on.

How To Choose A Yoga Mat?

You will require a yoga mat if you plan to do regular yoga at home or have decided to join yoga classes. It is an essential item to carry out all yoga activities properly and efficiently. It provides comfort and helps cushion hips, elbows and knees.
There is a huge variety of yoga mats available in the market. Different mats are designed for different purposes and you can pick one according to your need. There are a number of factors that need due consideration to help you choose the right mat.
Price - The cost of a yoga mat increases according to the design, material and brand, so it is very important to keep a price in mind before you go out to buy one. It is important to invest in a mat which is reliable and does not cost much.
Type of Yoga - The style of yoga you will practice on the mat will also play an important factor while selecting the mat.
Material - The material you select will determine the durability of the mat. You can find mats made of polyvinyl chloride, natural latex, jute, rubber, organic cotton and polymer. Select a mat which is sticky and smooth, to prevent slipping and sliding.
Thickness - People with joint pains will need a thicker mat for comfortable yoga practices. The standard ones available in the market are 1/8 inches thick and offer good support to the body.
Size - Yoga mats are available in different sizes to accommodate people of all lengths. Most of them are 68 inches long for people of average height. You can find mats as short as 60 inches and as long as 75 inches to accommodate small and tall yoga practitioners.
Allergies - Consider your allergies and sensitivities while selecting yoga mat. You should carefully check the components of the mat before buying to make sure that it does not cause any harm to your body.
Colour and Design - Yoga mats are available in number of colours and designs. You can pick the pattern according to your choice and comfort.
Read Reviews - You should read some reviews online on popular forums to get an idea about which type of mat will be best for you. If many people are happy using a particular mat, then it might be the right one for you too.
There is no lack of choice when it comes to yoga mats. Take some time to reflect on your requirements and you will have no problem in selecting the mat which will be right for you.
Your search for the best yoga mat dealer ends online. There are many online dealers who can offer you discounted price for bulk orders. Read yoga mat reviews to make the best possible choice.