In addition to helping you to improve strength, balance and flexibility, yoga has been shown to be very effective in helping people to increase their height.
You need to note that if you are a full grow adult, yoga will not help you to "grow" but it will rather help you to appear taller by stretching your spine. Here yoga creates a space between vertebrae and helps you to support this extension.
Yoga also helps you to improve your posture and correct the curvature in your spine thus helping you to appear taller over time. If you want to appear taller, here are some of the beneficial poses that you can engage in:
Mountain pose
This is a very simple pose that easily strengthens your arms, legs and spine. To assume the pose you need to stand straight with your feet together and your spine erect. You should ensure that your hands are by your side and your palms are facing your thighs.
At this position you should clasp both of your hands with your fingers and inhale deeply while lengthening your spine and stretching your hands above your head. For ideal results you should ensure that you palms are facing the ceiling.
At this position you should lift your heel and balance yourself by standing on your toes. You should then stretch your entire body as much as possible then exhale while returning back to your original position.
Revolved triangle pose
Also known as the inverted triangle pose, this move strengthens your back and improves your body balance and as a result you gain height.
You need to stand on both your legs and lift your hands and keep them in line with your shoulders. Turning your torso towards your right, you should touch your right foot with your left hand. For ideal results you should ensure that your right hand is facing upwards and your fingers are pointing outwards.
Looking towards your fingertips, you should hold in this position for 30 seconds then repeat the pose with the other side.
Hand to foot pose
The good side with this pose is that it focuses on every part of your body from the head to the toe and as a result it helps you to easily gain some extra height. The pose is ideal for people with a shorter upper part.
Here you should stand straight with your feet together and your arms alongside your body. While inhaling, you should extend your arms over your head and bend towards your feet.
You should then move your chest towards your knees and lift your hips and tailbone. Pressing your heels down, you should let your head relax and move it gently towards your feet. You should hold in this position until tension starts to build.
For interested readers we also have some very handy and related information on our website about affordable yoga teacher training and yoga retreat goa.
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